Fiji Girl Guide Association Headquarters Upgrade

On Wednesday, 3 April the KFL Marketing Team convened with FGGA members to commemorate the successful completion of upgrades to the Fiji Girl Guides Association (FGGA) Headquarters located in Malcolm Street, Suva.

Our contributions included a comprehensive repair and repainting of the exterior, encompassing the replacement of hip battens, sanding, pressure washing, an application of undercoat, and two coats of finish paint. Additionally, we addressed structural issues by replacing missing downpipes and securing them in-ground, along with repairing windows, replacing wall timbers as necessary, and refurbishing doors by replacing glass and applying fresh paint. Notably, our collaborative efforts aimed to restore the building to its former glory, accentuating its unique blue hue that symbolises the unity between our organisations and reflects a pivotal aspect of our CSR sponsorship.

As we reflect on the accomplishments achieved, we eagerly anticipate Phase 2 of the project, focusing on the internal renovations. This phase represents a significant endeavour, and we recognise that our continued collaboration will be essential in ensuring its success.

We take immense pride in the comprehensive transformation accomplished during Phase 1 of this project, reflecting not only the dedication and hard work of our team but also the positive impact it has made on rejuvenating the FGGA Headquarters and fostering a stronger sense of community and cooperation between our organisations.

Photos: FGGA Members & KFL Marketing Team – Mili Koyamainavure, Marketing Officer & Kath Nichols, Group Marketing Manager, also a Queen Scout from Montagu Bay, Clarence District, Tasmania, Venturers Scout Group.

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